Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Welcome to My Classroom

For my Technology for Education lesson this week I was assigned to create a PowerPoint that I could use in the future to introduce myself to my students and their parents. I would use this PowerPoint during open house and on the first day of school to help break the ice. It took me some time to figure out how to do this lesson on my own. I tried many times to get the PowerPoint to import correctly. I got it to upload to Google Drive, but then I had to do some editing. There were words that did not fit once it was imported. Though it took me some time to figure out I enjoyed doing it and can see myself uploading presentations in the future. I enjoyed making the form below as well. I found the program simple to navigate and self-explanatory. Take a minute to watch my presentation then please leave me some feedback on the form below.


  1. Awesome powerpoint. Its so creative.

  2. Loved your presentation! I think it's great that you're so enthusiastic about using technology when you become a teacher.

  3. great presentation. you are quite enthusiastic about technology

  4. I really liked your presentation! You're right! Everyone does learn differently and it's our job as a teacher to find how they learn and teach them in the most effective way!

  5. everything looks great! great to see that someone is enthusiastic about technology.
