Personally, I think that Flipped learning is an interesting concept for older students. With my degree being Pre-Kindergarden to fourth grade I don't know if this is something that I will use in my classroom, however. I do think that there is a possibility that I would use this style of video for extra enrichment. I might create videos that the students could reference at home if they were having difficulty with a certain topic. The school district that I am working with now for my field experience has a lower socioeconomic status and most of the students do not have internet access at home. Because of this I have a hard time seeing this as a practical approach for the students I am working with.
Here is the video I made while learning how to flip a lesson.
I liked how my boards came out. I think that it was fun making them. Also, I think that these are boards I can use in my future classroom. I like the idea of a Daily 5 so I could use these in the various centers around my classroom. I recently played a game that had three teams. It would have been nice to give each team their own board for recording their score.
As far as filming went I didn't think it went too badly for my first time. In the future, if I were to do this I would position myself higher in the frame in relation to the boards. I think that this would result in a better looking final product. I also think that doing this more would give me more confidence with it and make me more comfortable being on camera.
While I don't think that I will be running a flipped classroom in the future I am glad that I am aware of what it is. If I am asked in an interview I have an idea of what they're talking about. I also might use these techniques in my future classroom. I can see applications where this could be used to help struggling learners as well as enriching the advanced learners.
Great video! You did an awesome job on your flipped learning assignment! Goodluck in he future!